Super Lawyers
William C. Altreuter

Friday, August 15, 2008

Interesting piece on the reasons Hillary Clinton's campaign failed. Loss of momentum from Iowa was critical, but you really can't criticize the decision not to start there earlier: she'd have taken a drubbing if she'd made her move there before she locked up her Senate re-election. The fund raising issues suggest that the campaign did not learn-- as Obama did-- from the lesson taught by Howard Dean, who looks more and more visionary. Instead of expanding the base of contributors-- and the base of supporters-- Clinton raised money the old fashioned way, from fatcats. Apparently Harold Ickes understood how to count delegates: why his counsel was ignored was probably the key failure of the campaign, but the real question is the one that mystified me about the Dean campaign: where'd all that money go? Apparently big spending is a hallmark. She spent $30 million to get re-elected, which is crazy money, when you think about it: quickly, without looking, who ran against her?

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